Dr. Benjamin Domb had the honor of presenting the latest techniques for labrum reconstruction and repair at the ISHA Hip Preservation Society meeting in Washington, DC
On behalf of the American Hip Institute, Dr. Benjamin Domb had the honor of presenting the latest techniques for labrum reconstruction and repair at the ISHA Hip Preservation Society meeting in Washington, DC. He was joined by esteemed colleagues, including Dr. John Christoforetti, Jit Balakumar, Ajay Lall, and Thomas Youm, for an engaging session. It was a highly successful session and an outstanding conference overall.
10th Annual Panhellenic Congress of Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Injuries
Dr. Benjamin Domb presented on Anatomical Labral Repair during the New Trends in Hip Arthroscopy session at the 10th Annual Panhellenic Congress of Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Injuries, organized by the Hellenic Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Sports Injuries, in Greece this June. It was an honor to contribute to this outstanding symposium organized by esteemed European colleagues.
Benjamin Domb MD Joins Renowned Panel of Hip Experts at AANA!
Benjamin Domb MD Joins Renowned Panel of Hip Experts at AANA! Dr. Domb is honored to be in the company of such distinguished leaders in orthopedic surgery including, Dr. Mike Banffy from Kerlan-Jobe, Dr. Mario Hevesi from Mayo Clinic, Dr. Thomas Wuerz from New England Baptist, Dr. Marc Philippon from Steadman Clinic, Dr. Winston Gwathmey, Dr. Robert Westerman from University of Iowa, Dr. Andrea Spiker from University of Wisconsin, Dr. Jovan Laskowski, Dr. Mike Ellman, Dr. Shane Nho from Rush University, and Dr. James Genuario.
Benjamin Domb MD Showcases Latest Research at AANA Alongside Esteemed Colleagues from American Hip Institute!
Benjamin Domb MD Showcases Latest Research at AANA Alongside Esteemed Colleagues from American Hip Institute! Dr. Domb is joined by nurse practitioner Julia Jekli, fellowship alumni Drs. Philip Rosinsky and Payam Sabetian, and, joining AHI faculty this summer, Dr. Etan Sugarman.
Such an honor to have our very own, Dr. Benjamin Domb, on the podium at the Arthroscopy Association of North America
Such an honor to have our very own, Dr. Benjamin Domb, on the podium at the Arthroscopy Association of North America meeting presenting the American Hip Institute approach to the deficient labrum, including labral reconstruction and labral augmentation.
Another Successful Hip Symposium at the American Hip Institute!
Dr.'s Domb, Schinsky, Kahana, and Quesada, and Kuhns presented at the AHI Hip Symposium. There was a great showing of about 50 people between AHI Faculty, AHI Staff, and ATI Physical Therapists.
Click To View Symposium Videos
ISHA Live Surgery
Dr. Benjamin Domb of the American Hip Institute will perform a Live Surgery Broadcast with ISHA Live on Monday April 8th at 10:30 AM CDT on "Arthroscopic Management of Hip Instability and Painful Internal Snapping in the Young Female Athlete”.
Dr. Domb will be joined by other international proctors to demonstrate arthroscopic management of hip instability and painful internal snapping in the young female athlete.
An outstanding Hip Symposium at the American Hip Institute!
An outstanding Hip Symposium at the American Hip Institute! Dr. Benjamin Domb, Dr. Mark Schinsky, Dr. Benjamin Kuhns, Dr. Ady Kahana and Dr. Roger Quesada shared clinical information on important hip conditions with a remarkable audience of physical therapists to help treat and properly diagnose hip conditions. Thank you to our presenters and attendees for their contributions to education and improved patient care!
Click To View Symposium Videos
The American Hip Institute team presented several studies at the American Academy for Orthopaedic Surgeons, and alumni gathered for the American Hip Institute Fellowship Alumni Reception
Current and previous American Hip Institute fellows presented on hip pain in young adults at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Guest Lecturer Dr. Justin LaReau
Dr. Justin LaReau presented to the American Hip Institute team on the periacetabular osteotomy (PAO), including historical perspective, evolving techniques, and PAO with concomitant hip arthroscopy.
Guest Lecturer Dr. Jimmy Chow
Dr. Jimmy Chow presented to the American Hip Institute team on the SuperPATH and AnteriorPATH approaches for minimally invasive hip replacement.
Above: Drs. Andrew Curley, Benjamin Domb, Jimmy Chow, Andrew Carbone, Paulo Padilla
Its a Joint Effort!
Live Surgery – Skills Training and Expert Techniques using Augmented Reality
Live Surgery – Skills Training and Expert Techniques using Augmented Reality
The American Hip Foundation is honored to host grand rounds with guest speaker, Dr. Craig Dellavalle on Managing Complications Following Total Hip Arthroplasty
Having Sex Without Hip Pain

Presented at the Chicago Ultimate Women’s Expo.
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Sunday - 3pm
Dr. Benjamin Domb of the American Hip Institute & Orthopedic Specialists will speak alongside Kandi Burruss, Gammy Winning Singer/Songwriter, Keke Palmer, Actress, Host GMA, Anne Burrell Food Network Superstar, Porsha Williams, “Real Housewives of Atlanta”, MC Lyte; Entertainer, and Graham Elliott Master Chef/Top Chef
Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Newport, Rhode Island.
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Lisbon, Portugal.
International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. Cancun, Mexico.
Arthroscopy Association of North America. Orlando, Florida.
Mid-America Orthopaedic Association. Miramar Beach, Florida.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Las Vegas, Nevada.
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Specialty Day. Boston, Massachusetts.